Castle Rock will be closed today, 2/7/25 due to inclement weather and unsafe road conditions.
2 days ago, Castle Rock Union Elementary School District
Unfortunately, both the boys and girl's basketball games against McCloud today, 1/22/25, are being cancelled due to illness amongst our players. We will try to get the games rescheduled.
18 days ago, Castle Rock Union Elementary School District
Parents, staff, students, and community members are invited to our LCAP/PAC/SSC Meeting on Tuesday, January 21st at 3:00 PM. You can join us in person or virtually via Google Meets. See the flyer for more information and the link to join us virtually.
25 days ago, Castle Rock Union Elementary School District
LCAP Meeting Dates
Our 1st day back from Winter Break is Monday, January 6th. We are looking forward to having everyone back at school!
about 1 month ago, Castle Rock Union Elementary School District
Due to weather and road conditions we will be implementing an early release today that follows our minimum day schedule with dismissal at 1:00 PM. Buses might be slightly delayed depending on road conditions. The after school program will be cancelled for today.
about 2 months ago, Castle Rock Union Elementary School District
Castle Rock will be having the following activities next week, 12/16/24-12/20/24: Tuesday, 12/17: Holiday Craft Day- Students will be moving classroom to classroom to create a different holiday craft gift to wrap and give to family and/or friends. School day event for just our students. Wednesday, 12/18 from 6:00PM-7:00PM: Cookies and Cocoa with Santa- Families are invited to come and join us for cookie decorating, a holiday craft making, and free pictures with Santa and Mrs. Claus. Thursday, 12/19 at 1:30 PM: School Holiday Performance- The Littlest Christmas Tree, all families and friends invited to come watch our amazing performance. Friday, 12/20 is a minimum day with dismissal at 1:00 PM. Winter Break is from 12/23/24-1/3/25, students return from Winter Break on Monday, 1/6/25.
about 2 months ago, Castle Rock Union Elementary School District
Christmas Play Flyer
Cookies and Cocoa with Santa
Winter Break Dates
Basketball season starts in mid-January. Please find the basketball schedule below.
2 months ago, Castle Rock Union Elementary School District
Basketball Schedule
Next week, 12/9-12/13, Castle Rock will be a Holiday Spirit Week. Each day has a different dress-up day. Please see the flyer for each days dress-up attire.
2 months ago, Castle Rock Union Elementary School District
Holiday Spirit Week Flyer
We are looking forward to seeing everyone back to school from Thanksgiving Break on Monday, December 2nd. Hope everyone had an amazing break with their families!
2 months ago, Castle Rock Union Elementary School District
Castle Rock will be closed again today, 11/22/24, as the electricity is still not on and is currently not estimated to be on until noon. This means that our Thanksgiving Feast scheduled for today is also cancelled.
3 months ago, Castle Rock Union Elementary School District
Due to no electricity at the school, school will be closed today, 11/21/24. Parent conferences scheduled for today will be rescheduled after Thanksgiving break.
3 months ago, Castle Rock Union Elementary School District
Due to weather and road conditions school is closed today. Parent/Teacher Conferences scheduled for today will be rescheduled for a minimum day after Thanksgiving Break.
3 months ago, Castle Rock Union Elementary School District
Reminder for this week: This Wednesday, 11/20; Thursday, 11/21; and Friday 11/22 are minimum days with school dismissal at 1:00 PM. Parent/Teacher Conferences are on Wednesday, 11/20 and Thursday, 11/21 in 15 minute increments between 1:15 PM-3:00 PM. Conferences are scheduled with each student's teacher on a first come, first serve basis. Family Thanksgiving Feast is on Friday, 11/22 from 11:45 AM-12:30 PM. All of our families are invited to come join us for an amazing Thanksgiving Feast.
3 months ago, Castle Rock Union Elementary School District
All of our Families are invited to our annual Thanksgiving Feast on Friday, November 22, 2024 from 11:45 AM-12:15 PM. A flyer is being sent home today with an RSVP section on the bottom. Please send back the bottom sections so that we can make sure that we have enough food prepared for everyone to enjoy. Our amazing cafeteria staff will be preparing Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and all the fixings. We hope that all of our families are able to come join us!
3 months ago, Castle Rock Union Elementary School District
Feast Flyer
Parent/Teacher Conferences are next Wednesday, November 20th and Thursday, November 21st from 1:15 PM-3:00 PM (Last conference start time for the day is 2:45 PM). Please make sure to keep your eye out for the Conference Sign-up Form from your child's teacher. List your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choices and your child's teacher will do their best to make one of them work. Appointment times are on a first turn in, first serve basis so the sooner you turn in your form the more likely your child's teacher will be able to accommodate your choices. Parent conferences are very important time to start the year off knowing how your child is progressing and most importantly how you may be able to help support what they are learning at school. We hope that all of our parents attend a parent conference. Contact your child's teacher if you haven't received the sign-up form.
3 months ago, Castle Rock Union Elementary School District
Parent Conference Flyer
No School on Monday, November 11th in honor of Veteran's Day. We at Castle Rock send a huge THANK YOU to all Veteran's for your service!
3 months ago, Castle Rock Union Elementary School District
Veterans Day
On Election day the students here at Castle Rock voted at our own election. Our students nominated breakfast and lunch entrees to be on our school's Official Election Ballot. Then yesterday on Election Day our students cast their vote on their choice of the top 4 choices for a breakfast and lunch entree that will be served one day a week in December. Students had to fill-out a voter registration application to receive their voter registration card, come to the official voting polling place, sign-in for their ballot, vote in a voting booth, place their ballot in the official ballot drop box, and then of course they received an "I Voted" sticker. Today the winning entrees were announced and the winning Entree Items were: Breakfast: Biscuits and Gravy with 40% of the votes Lunch: Beef Rigatoni Noodles with 30% of the votes Both of these entree items will be served once a week for the month of December!
3 months ago, Castle Rock Union Elementary School District
Ballot Box
Students voting
Students voting
students voting
Ballot Box
student voting
The MVL Volleyball Tournament is tomorrow in Hornbrook. Our 1st game starts at 11:00 AM vs. Golden Eagle South. If we win the 1st game our next game would be at 3:00 PM and if we were to lost the 1st game we would then play at 1:15 PM. See the Volleyball Tournament Bracket image for more details.
4 months ago, Castle Rock Union Elementary School District
Tournament Bracket
We are having a Family Movie Night on Wednesday, October 30th at 6:30 PM in our school cafeteria. All of our students and their families are invited to come enjoy a fun night watching Coco. We will have hot dogs, popcorn, and drinks available for purchase to raise money for our school's ASB . Funds raised will go towards school events, athletics, and field trips. We hope all of our families are able to come out to join us!
4 months ago, Castle Rock Union Elementary School District
Movie night flyer
We will be participating in Red Ribbon Week starting Wednesday, Oct. 23rd-Thursday, Oct. 31st. Check out the attached image to see how your student can participate each day.!
4 months ago, Castle Rock Union Elementary School District
Red Ribbon Week Flyer